Overview of
how MuCol supports collaboration
what MuCol consists of and its functionality
how you share recording projects over the internet
Download, Install and Configure the MuCol-Components
Reaper has been installed
Download the ZIP-file containing the MuCol-files from the Download-page on this website
Unpack the MuCol-files into the Reaper configuration data directory
Configure the scripts and the toolbar in Reaper
Using the MuCol-Scripts in Reaper*
The MuCol-components have been installed
Create instrument projects from a main-project
Add recordings
Create backtracks
Distibute/synchronize backtracks
*New video version (Dez. 22, 2021) with improved quality.
Collecting Recordings from Instrument Projects
Instrument projects have been created
Prepare instrument-project by marking tracks with desired recordings and run the MuCol-script
From the main-project run the MuCol-script and use script option to collect tracks from instrument-projects when launching the MuCol-script in the main project
Make Use of Tracks of Final Mix
Recordings have been collected under "*MIX"-folder
Mix has been done
In the main-project: Tracks are marked for copying them to the respective instrument-project (">C") and/or for adding to the backtracks (">B") before the main script is executed (">Run MC")
In the instrument-project: Upon further execution of the main script, the copied tracks and the new set of backtracks are received.
Because the backtracks do not include the send effects, an effect track with at least reverb should be added to the backtracks.