

Overview of

  • how MuCol supports collaboration

  • what MuCol consists of and its functionality

  • how you share recording projects over the internet

Download, Install and Configure the MuCol-Components


  • Reaper has been installed


  • Download the ZIP-file containing the MuCol-files from the Download-page on this website

  • Unpack the MuCol-files into the Reaper configuration data directory

  • Configure the scripts and the toolbar in Reaper

Using the MuCol-Scripts in Reaper*


  • The MuCol-components have been installed


  • Create instrument projects from a main-project

  • Add recordings

  • Create backtracks

  • Distibute/synchronize backtracks

*New video version (Dez. 22, 2021) with improved quality.

Collecting Recordings from Instrument Projects


  • Instrument projects have been created


  • Prepare instrument-project by marking tracks with desired recordings and run the MuCol-script

  • From the main-project run the MuCol-script and use script option to collect tracks from instrument-projects when launching the MuCol-script in the main project

Make Use of Tracks of Final Mix


  • Recordings have been collected under "*MIX"-folder

  • Mix has been done


  • In the main-project: Tracks are marked for copying them to the respective instrument-project (">C") and/or for adding to the backtracks (">B") before the main script is executed (">Run MC")

  • In the instrument-project: Upon further execution of the main script, the copied tracks and the new set of backtracks are received.

  • Because the backtracks do not include the send effects, an effect track with at least reverb should be added to the backtracks.